RPOP’s flagship project will be located at the southwest corner of 30th Street and Madison Street, on a 5-acre property currently owned by Louisville Metro Government that was formally committed to RPOP in 2022 through a memorandum of agreement and a declaration of surplus property that named RPOP as the future owner.
RPOP has been working since 2018 to gather input from Russell residents about what this development should include and how it should look, hosting pitch sessions, community polls and design sessions. RPOP is proud that residents have selected local partners, including a Black-owned and operated childcare provider, retail marketplace, hydroponic food producer, and coffee shop as the first four tenants.
Additional commercial uses will align with four resident-identified focus areas: community & family, arts & culture, entrepreneurship and wellness, and could include a laundromat, recreational amenity, gallery or museum space, business and professional offices, and outdoor event space.
RPOP is actively seeking additional tenants for the site. The development will represent an investment of ~$150 million over multiple phases, will clean up a long-abandoned brownfield property, and generate public revenue through the jobs and sales created there.
Download an overview of how we're building stronger communities starting with 30th and Madison.
The first phase of the development will include retail, restaurant, offices, upper floor apartments, and community green space.
Engaging in thorough site analysis, planning, and upkeep.
Finalizing property acquisition and commencing initial construction.
Finishing the first development phase, including commercial spaces, dining, offices, residential units, and communal green areas.
RPOP has raised over $30 million to support its work and the work of its partners since 2018. Most of these funds have been used for operations and community programming, or exist in the form of loans controlled by other organizations that can be accessed for neighborhood projects.
Some grant dollars have been earmarked for the 30th and Madison Street project, and a capital campaign will be launched in 2025 to support the project. RPOP has received technical assistance and funding support from the following organizations for 30th and Madison Street.
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