Russell Partnership Pledge

The Partnership Pledge is a guide for Russell residents and RPOP partners to establish decision making processes around investments, future strategies, policy and advocacy, and alignment with shared values and vision. The Pledge represents months of collaboration between RPOP and Russell residents and defines RPOP’s relationship, and the relationship we hope our partners will adopt, with Russell residents as we build Black wealth. The Pledge embodies principles to stabilize, create and grow Black wealth in the Russell community.
Black wealth is worth beyond debt and income.

Black wealth is a sense of security that allows Black inheritors to be self sufficient and abundant.

Black wealth exists in the stories we tell our children, the landscape of our homes, and in the values we share within our families.

Black wealth is protecting our property, values and roots.

Black wealth is the fruit of our labor and the effort to provide stable and thriving lifestyles for future generations.

Together, we are stabilizing opportunities for Black wealth building.

Together, we are creating new opportunities for the Russell community to build Black wealth.

Together, we are growing opportunities for Black wealth building.
Will you join us?

Black Wealth is:

Protecting our property, values, and roots
A sense of security that allows Black inheritors to be self-sufficient and abundant
The stories we tell our children, the landscape of our homes, the values we share with our families

"We are redefining wealth. We are driven to think critically and consciously with Russell at the center. We, the people of Russell, are the promise of the community."

-  Russell residents, R4R Coalition, RPOP team, & signers of the Partnership Pledge

"We are redefining wealth. We are driven to think critically and consciously with Russell at the center. We, the people of Russell, are the promise of the community."

-  Russell residents, R4R Coalition, RPOP team, & signers of the Partnership Pledge



You are in solidarity with Russell residents and their vision to be centered in the investment, futures strategies, involvement, and policy and advocacy happening in the Russell neighborhood
You know the people of Russell are what makes it special, and believe residents should be considered in decision-making in their neighborhood
You want to be a part of the decision-making for Russell
You are tired of non-Russell residents making decisions in the Russell neighborhood
You want to be a part of the changes happening in Russell, with the people of Russell
Sign The Pledge

Why is RPOP presenting a Partnership Pledge?
A Partnership Pledge is standard for resident and partner/stakeholder accountability in neighborhood planning and development. RPOP is ensuring that investors, development and services in the neighborhood center the upliftment of wealth and health of the Russell community.

Who wrote the Partnership Pledge?
The Pledge was collectively written by RPOP team members and members of the Russell for Russell Resident Coalition.

I don’t live in Russell. Should I sign the Pledge?
Yes! Non-residents can sign the Pledge to show solidarity with the Pledge’s mission and purpose.

What if a Russell resident doesn’t agree with the document?
The Pledge will be reviewed and updated by Russell residents and RPOP team members to make sure it continues to align with resident values and priorities. The Pledge is a fluid, living document and subject to change as additional resident voices are considered.

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